We all deserve peace at the end of life

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How can you make sure that a person you love will have peace at the end of life?

Hospitals and the healthcare system offer remarkable medical treatments that can improve the condition and future of their patients. Those treatments, however, do not always improve the patient’s situation.

For many, pursuing more treatments means they will end up dying in an emergency room, intensive care unit or rehabilitation unit. They’ll be surrounded by machines, likely to be prodded or awakened at all hours. Not peaceful.

When you choose to pursue peace for a person you love, you allow time and space for comfort, support and dignity. You can bring in the services of hospice, including pain and symptom management. And you get to concentrate on quality of life and meeting the emotional and spiritual needs of the person you love and family.

If you must choose between continued/additional treatment or pursuing peace – how do you make the best decision for the person you love?

If you’re unsure on when to choose peace, you’re not alone.

At Caring House we’ve learned from the experiences of hundreds of families. We suggest three steps for you to take right now:

Step 1. Tackle one or more of the three questions shown on this page.

Step 2. Then, decide whether to pursue peace or to continue treatment.

Brothers together

Step 3. If you choose peace, bring in the help of an experienced and capable hospice.

Picture this: You’ve chosen peace for the person you love. You’ve obtained hospice services for them. You’ve made sure they are in a place of comfort, support and dignity. You and your family spend the available time supporting and connecting with the person you love and with each other. You’re comfortable and confident that you did the right thing.

The person you love has peace at the end of life.

Provided by Caring House | Torrance, CA

310-796-6625 | yourcaringhouse.org | RCFE #198602078

Copyright © 2021 Caring House, Incorporated | All rights reserved.

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